Collaborative Projects
Geese Theatre Company: Geese Theatre UK
In 2024, SUIT supported 3 incredible projects with The Geese Theatre. Our clients and volunteers found the project an amazing experience, full of connection, support, and empowerment.
“I was nervous, but I realised there was no need to be nervous at all. It’s changed me. In my heart… because I'm not frightened to do things that I haven't done before now. From just doing this, out of my comfort zone…this took me out of doing the same stuff again and again, given me purpose and so much confidence. I want to do things out of my comfort zone now and take positive risks with my creativity. Totally life changing!”
“It's possibly one of the most fun things I've ever done. Right from the first day, we did games, we did little…mind bending puzzles…everything was fun to do! The Geese are so supportive, so professional, and really knew what they were doing. We made a tight group even tighter, more connected; we were let into each other’s world… that part of it is fantastic. We go to groups together, but this was different”.
“My own sense of what I can do has changed. I feel I can do anything now. All the positive responses, the support from Christiane & Fallon at SUIT, my friends who came along to the performance; they didn’t know what to expect and seeing what a tight and polished performance it was, I had lovely personal comments. I've been like a flower blooming… since I started SUIT’s art group last year it has made all the difference to me. Positive difference, self-esteem, confidence. Isn’t it nice when you’re amongst people and when you speak they will now listen properly.”
“I didn't think I could do much with my life…I'm a bit older, I did my degree when I was in my 20s and I never did anything with it. I was addicted for 25 years, and I've just been working, dead end jobs for the last 10 years. I want to do more now. I want to help people. I just want to do more, and it's all through this Geese project!”
Geese develop creative and personal skills and strengthen recovery journeys. Our clients have attended Fear of Flying, a Geese performance created with and for people in recovery, and each community project has included workshops for SUIT clients to co-create their own performance. These performances, held at the raise awareness of our recovery community, remove stigma for people affected by addiction,
highlight local creativity and provide diversity of voice, experience and knowledge.
SUIT’s long-standing friendship with this incredible charity started 10 years ago, when SUIT Project Manager Marcus Johnson, straight out of residential rehab, took part in a community project in Birmingham.
These collaborations have been funded by and Inclusive Communities Fund, whose mission is to:
Empower communities for positive change
Create a legacy for the West Midlands
Seek to address inequalities across the region
Bring people together
Improve health and wellbeing
Help our region to grow
Put the region on the map